GAMES AND GRATITUDE: A recipe for Love!



Participated on A Make A Difference Trip

Visiting with the children on two of our trips to Tanzania made our trips complete. One would think the safaris, wild animals, or the food would be top on the list, but, it’s not. The graciousness of our host, whom I respectfully call “Mr. Pete,” and his wife, “Mama C,” have shown what love and understanding brings to people from all over the world. We didn’t know what to expect visiting UAACC.

I cannot explain how humbled one feels after spending time with the children. We brought clothes, basic hygiene needs, and taught CPR using pillows as dummies the first time we visited. The second time, we brought real CPR mannequins with videos on how to perform CPR and a first aid book to leave behind. The nearest hospital is an hour away. If we could somehow leave behind educational tools for the school to share with those living in the community, what else could we do?

The happiness on the faces of the children so struck a nerve in us. They laughed, sang, danced and always said, “May I help you?” When we were carrying things to our room after our excursions. My memories of how I felt when Big Joe was playing pitty pat with the little ones, to Danny’s version of War was just precious and hilarious at the same time.

The Sudoku books that were brought by my girl LaTanya made the kids want to figure out how things work. I think of our memories from our first trip with strangers, who are now our friends, to the 2nd trip that was with family and both were equally satisfying. Our memories of the hugs we gave those children who were sad because they were orphaned and missing their parents to those who just wanted a hug will be forever embedded on our minds.

The gratitude we have for Pete and Mama C opening their home was priceless and we look forward to another trip there soon. The children are older, wiser and soooo smart. We are so thankful we can sponsor at least one child for 4 years in the hopes their future is brighter than when they started at UAACC.

This trip is a must on anyone’s bucket list, I promise you won’t be disappointed. Rather, you will be challenged to make a difference.  

And Destined To Travel is the only company that operates this program, so give ‘Safari’ Kay a call.

If you’ve been inspired by our guest’s stories, please feel free to donate to our worthy organization. No matter how small, even $1 from everyone who reads this will go towards the education and living expenses for our children in Tanzania. Donate Here.


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GAMES AND GRATITUDE: A recipe for Love!

Visiting with the children on two of our trips to Tanzania made our trips complete. One would think the safaris, wild animals, or the food would be top on the list, but, it’s not. The graciousness of our host, whom I respectfully call “Mr. Pete,” and his wife,


My friend and I had been taking trips (mostly in the U.S.) together for over 10 years when she stumbled upon Safari Kay’s “Make a Difference” trip to Tanzania.

Happyness Joshua Mbise

Mama Kay asked us to share our words about our experience from the time we lived at the Leaders of Tomorrow Children’s Home.  These are my words.


My name is Marsha Tyler, and I unfortunately have not had the opportunity to attend a Make A Difference, but I have met Pete, Charlotte, and the kids on one of my safari trips with Safari Kay. We didn’t spend much time there, but I was so touched by the kids and the efforts of Pete’s and Charlotte’s Leaders of Tomorrow program.

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