
Operation Backpack

We encourage our guests to bring a backpack filled with items that the children might need for school, for their person or educational games, and things that could help these children in their lives. We ask guests to leave the backpack with the school as they can use them in their everyday needs. The Make a Difference Safari is solely for the purpose of raising money for the children, and providing guests with the opportunity to help mentor the children. With this worthwhile organization, guests can feel confident that their funds go directly to the school and those who see to it that the children of the school receive their education. No more wondering who’s getting paid at the top. Through our efforts, we have raised money to install solar, purchased tablets for all of the children, help with their educational needs and purchased clothing and other necessities for the children.

At the present time, there are 28 young disadvantaged ages 6-19, who reside at the school.  Here they have an opportunity to be taught by volunteer teachers with many different trades, in addition to their regular school subjects.  These children are very anxious to learn about the world, and about possibilities they may not know exists. Guests will have a chance to meet these children personally and spend time learning more about them and their future aspirations.

© 2020 - Destined To Travel Make A Difference Organization - All rights Reserved.